In these complex and uncertain times, the world needs creativity more than ever before. Both at home and work, people know that creative activities are intrinsic to being human - helping to heal, inspire, inform and transform.

If you are reading this, I am hoping that you would like to bring more creativity to your coaching work, strengthen your coaching approach and bring more of yourself to your coaching. 

Perhaps you also want to coach creative people and creative processes with greater confidence and develop your future coaching practice in different ways?

...And, all of this aside, you would like to develop your own creativity?

(Oh and just so you know, this is for all sorts of coaches: corporate coaches, executive coaches, life coaches, business coaches and those who use coaching skills such as therapists)

This is a broad reaching course with multiple benefits for coaches:

  • Background, history and research into creativity.
  • Clear application of creativity research to coaching.
  • Learn the different types of creative processes, outputs from creativity and how coaching can support them.
  • Gain insight into coaching highly creative and neuro-diverse people.
  • Understand the paradox of creativity and how it helps us 
  • Learn how to work with the main creative challenges met in coaching and coach creativity with greater effectiveness.
  • Start understanding your own creative strengths and challenges.
  • Learn how coaching itself is a creative process.
  • Experiment with many creative coaching tools. 

Whats included:

  • Open access to the course, work at your own pace.
  • 7 modules, 55 lessons, 9 videos, links other content and a quick quiz!
  • Over 20 tools, resource sheets and case studies.
  • 25 hours + of learning and participation.
  • Course completion certificate.
  • Automatic, free content upgrades
  • Useful links and references. 

What people say about the course:

“As a Supervisor and teacher, Jen Gash’s book ‘Coaching Creativity’ has long been my go-to book for everything to do with coaching and creativity. This new course brings Jen’s wisdom and knowledge to life in a fascinating set of resources to work through at your own pace which I know will be invaluable for coaches at every stage of their developmental journey. With characteristic generosity and flair, Jen takes us on a rich and exiting creative journey from the roots of creativity via neurology to her own accessible model of creative coaching. I would wholeheartedly recommend this course for any coach wanting to introduce creativity into their practice. It is packed full of useful tips and ideas and most importantly encourages us all to think of ourselves as creative beings. For me, as a creative coach the invitation to step into Jen’s beautiful, thoughtful world feels like coming home. ”

Auriel Majumdar Creative Business Coach and Consultant Auriel Majumdar Ltd. Executive in Residence, Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University

Auriel Majumdar

“I really can’t recommend this course highly enough and don’t think Jen has yet understood the true value of what she is providing. The breadth and richness of learning means there is something for everyone, whether or not you already consider yourself a creative coach or even a creative person, whether you consider yourself academic or not. The course supports a wide range of preferred learning styles, using text, videos, case studies, opportunities for self-reflection and lots of great interactive tools. The structure means you can focus on the practical tools alone or read up on the history and science behind creativity and Jen’s tools. I appreciated the references and recommendations for further reading, although there is already a lot of research from multiple sources, brilliantly brought together within the course. As well as a wonderful, playful imagination, Jen also has a great mastery of explaining complex and, what could be, dry subjects in a way that is easy to follow, interesting and insightful. I feel incredibly glad and lucky to have found it! ”

Personal & Professional Development Coach, Training Facilitator, Group Coaching Supervision

Ros Simmons

“I am really excited about the Coaching Creativity course, I find Jen’s approach very relatable with even ‘serious’ theory presented in an easily accessible manner. The course is divided into Modules, which are laid out clearly with choice to follow the course as it comes or to move through in my own way, dipping into modules and choosing my own direction. I love the freedom of this style of learning, I long ago realised that classroom learning is not my strength and the interactive, self guided way this course is set up works brilliantly! From the start Jen had my attention , with her humour, engaging quizzes, interactive activities and readily useable Tools. Jen’s confidence, knowledge and experience as Coach, Occupational therapist and Artist are palpable and give the course a grounded quality which I love!”

NLP Coach & Creative Occupational Therapist

Jane Iskander

Your tutor:

Jen is a professional coach, occupational therapist and life long artist, who has helped many people turn their creative ideas and desires into reality.  She is a self-confessed geek when it comes to the art and science of creativity and has written extensively on the subject. She is also a life long artist, painting large scale oil and acrylic works. In 2018 Jen won Sky Arts Landscape Artist of the Year and now has a commissioned painting hanging in the Imperial War Museum. She is still very chuffed about this!

Jen Gash

Chief creator & doer

Course content

  • 01

    Introduction: Creativity and Coaching

  • 02

    Creative Human

    • Our creative psyche

    • Post Woodstock

    • Our creative neurology

    • Whole body, sensory body

    • Creativity and "human doings"

    • Learning from artists & makers

    • Creative activities as vehicles for change

    • Creative enablement

    • Tool 3: Re-writing your life story

    • Tool 4: Ishikawa poetry

  • 03

    The creative coaching process and the creative coach

    • This wonderful thing called coaching

    • Coaching as creative process

    • Creative "doing" (activities) as part of coaching

    • Coaching to support creativity - a story

    • A model for coaching creativity...

    • What does this mean for coaching?

    • You, as a coach

    • Tool 5: The Genie

  • 04

    Filling the vessel and enabling expansion

    • A little bit about the container or "vessel" that coaching creates...

    • Stretching, filling and activating the creative space

    • Tool 6: Conversations to stretch, fill, expand and agitate!

    • Tool 7: Vision board

    • Tool 8: Other ways of using collage

    • Resource sheet: Free those radicals, embrace the ions, get new ideas

  • 05

    Integrating ideas and enabling action/creation

    • Integrating, contracting & moving forward

    • Coaching highly-creative people

    • Neuro-diversity, creativity and performance

    • Creating action, creative actions, creating a plan

    • Tool 9: The kitchen of ideas

    • Resource: Making Plans that Work

  • 06

    Enabling flow & reducing blocks

    • Understanding blocks and restrictions

    • Time

    • Money

    • Physical space

    • Distractions and addictions

    • People

    • Fears

    • Self-doubt, criticism and comparison

    • Overwhelm of ideas

    • Beliefs

    • Tool 10 : Working with beliefs

    • Values

    • Perfectionism

    • Self -Sabotage

    • Procrastination

    • Tool 11: Evocative environments

    • Tool 12: Kawa

    • Tool 13 and Case study : A major blockage!

  • 07

    Maintaining flow and natural rhythm

    • Working with the flow, not against

    • Habits and routines

    • Rituals

    • Tool 14: Creating a personal, creative ritual

    • Keeping in the process of coaching

    • Tool 15: Reminders

    • Co-creation: the power of creating with others

    • Stuff at the end...references..useful links

Find out more about Discovery Party full, licensed version for coaches HERE and find out more about Growing Potential, creative business planning course, HERE


Creativity for Coaches course - nice and simple

And just so you know...

This is different to other courses: it's not just about using pens, paint etc in coaching, it's not just about creative thinking and innovation, it's not just about helping highly creative people, it's not just about helping people paint/write/'s all of it! And I feel it will help you too! Learning about creativity helped my creativity blossom, resulting in me publishing two books and winning a TV painting competition. I hope that doesn't sound showy-offy, but I really wish we all understood creativity better and embraced it much more. I do hope you join us. Jen x